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Ham Radio without the BS

Northwest Ohio VHF Amateur Radio Society exists to promote the enjoyment and camaraderie of the amateur service in NW Ohio, with a primary focus on VHF+ operation and experimentation.


Ben, K8KTO [President]

Dominic, AD8AK [Vice President]

Scott, N1OF [Secretary, Callsign Trustee]

Evan, W8KJR [Treasurer]


Primary: 446.690 FM

Secondary: 146.420 FM

Trash Talk: 420.690 FM (Only South of Line A!)

 So why do we exist?

NOVARS exists as a project and group dedicated to taking all of the (mostly unfun) stress out of trying to run and maintain an Amateur Radio club. Many clubs have lost touch on their sole purpose of existing, and can quickly turn into 1 day a year of coming together as a club to operate, and the other 364 days a year of arguing over finances, direction, equipment, etc. We've been there, and we hated it.

NOVARS has no finances. NOVARS has no equipment. NOVARS is a club built on existing for the sole purpose of getting together and playing radio. NOVARS members work with their own equipment when there are outings, contests, or other various group events. Members will coordinate which equipment they will take to an event and will welcome those without equipment to operate their stations. Our goal is to be the most welcoming and easiest radio club you have ever joined. No Purchase Necessary.